65 research outputs found

    Dynamic Data Driven Applications System Concept for Information Fusion

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    AbstractWe present a framework of Information Fusion (IF) using the Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) concept. Existing literature at the intersection of these two topics supports environmental modeling (e.g., terrain understanding) for context enhanced applications. Taking advantage of sensor models, statistical methods, and situation- specific spatio-temporal fusion products derived from wide area sensor networks, DDDAS demonstrates robust multi-scale and multi-resolution geographical terrain computations. We highlight the complementary nature of these seemingly parallel approaches and propose a more integrated analytical framework in the context of a cooperative multimodal sensing application. In particular, we use a Wide-Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) application to draw parallels and contrasts between IF and DDDAS systems that warrants an integrated perspective. This elementary work is aimed at triggering a sequence of deeper insightful research towards exploiting sparsely sampled piecewise dense WAMI measurements – an application where the challenges of big-data with regards to mathematical fusion relationships and high-performance computations remain significant and will persist. Dynamic data-driven adaptive computations are required to effectively handle the challenges with exponentially increasing data volume for advanced information fusion systems solutions such as simultaneous target tracking and identification

    Multi-Scale Spatially Weighted Local Histograms in O(1)

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    Weighting pixel contribution considering its location is a key feature in many fundamental image processing tasks including filtering, object modeling and distance matching. Several techniques have been proposed that incorporate Spatial information to increase the accuracy and boost the performance of detection, tracking and recognition systems at the cost of speed. But, it is still not clear how to efficiently ex- tract weighted local histograms in constant time using integral histogram. This paper presents a novel algorithm to compute accurately multi-scale Spatially weighted local histograms in constant time using Weighted Integral Histogram (SWIH) for fast search. We applied our spatially weighted integral histogram approach for fast tracking and obtained more accurate and robust target localization result in comparison with using plain histogram.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Data compression of discrete sequence: A tree based approach using dynamic programming

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    A dynamic programming based approach for data compression of a ID sequence is presented. The compression of an input sequence of size N to that of a smaller size k is achieved by dividing the input sequence into k subsequences and replacing the subsequences by their respective average values. The partitioning of the input sequence is carried with the intention of reducing the mean squared error in the reconstructed sequence. The complexity involved in finding the partitions which would result in such an optimal compressed sequence is reduced by using the dynamic programming approach, which is presented

    Chernoff Dimensionality Reduction-Where Fisher Meets FKT

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    Well known linear discriminant analysis (LDA) based on the Fisher criterion is incapable of dealing with heteroscedasticity in data. However, in many practical applications we often encounter heteroscedastic data, i.e., within-class scatter matrices can not be expected to be equal. A technique based on the Chernoff criterion for linear dimensionality reduction has been proposed recently. The technique extends well-known Fisher\u27s LDA and is capable of exploiting information about heteroscedasticity in the data. While the Chernoff criterion has been shown to outperform the Fisher\u27s, a clear understanding of its exact behavior is lacking. In addition, the criterion, as introduced, is rather complex, making it difficult to clearly state its relationship to other linear dimensionality reduction techniques. In this paper, we show precisely what can be expected from the Chernoff criterion and its relations to the Fisher criterion and Fukunaga-Koontz transform. Furthermore, we show that a recently proposed decomposition of the data space into four subspaces is incomplete. We provide arguments on how to best enrich the decomposition of the data space in order to account for heteroscedasticity in the data. Finally, we provide experimental results validating our theoretical analysis

    Joint Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for texture classification

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    a b s t r a c t This paper addresses the challenging problem of the recognition and classification of textured surfaces given a single instance acquired under unknown pose, scale and illumination conditions. We propose a novel texture descriptor, the Adaptive Median Binary Pattern (AMBP) based on an adaptive analysis window of local patterns. The principal idea of the AMBP is to convert a small local image patch to a binary pattern using adaptive threshold selection that switches between the central pixel value as used in the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and the median as in Median Binary Pattern (MBP), but within a variable sized analysis window depending on the local microstructure of the texture. The variability of the local adaptive window is included as joint information to increase the discriminative properties. A new multiscale scheme is also proposed in this paper to handle the texture resolution problem. AMBP is evaluated in relation to other recent binary pattern techniques and many other texture analysis methods on three large texture corpora with and without noise added, CUReT, Outex_TC00012 and KTH_TIPS2. Generally, the proposed method performs better than the best state-of-the-art techniques in the noiseless case and significantly outperforms all of them in the presence of impulse noise

    Adaptive Median Binary Patterns for Texture Classification

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    Abstract-This paper addresses the challenging problem of recognition and classification of textured surfaces under illumination variation, geometric transformations and noisy sensor measurements. We propose a new texture operator, Adaptive Median Binary Patterns (AMBP) that extends our previous Median Binary Patterns (MBP) texture feature. The principal idea of AMBP is to hash small local image patches into a binary pattern texton by fusing MBP and Local Binary Patterns (LBP) operators combined with using self-adaptive analysis window sizes to better capture invariant microstructure information while providing robustness to noise. The AMBP scheme is shown to be an effective mechanism for non-parametric learning of spatially varying image texture statistics. The local distribution of rotation invariant and uniform binary pattern subsets extended with more global joint information are used as the descriptors for robust texture classification. The AMBP is shown to outperform recent binary pattern and filtering-based texture analysis methods on two large texture corpora (CUReT and KTH TIPS2-b) with and without additive noise. The AMBP method is slightly superior to the best techniques in the noiseless case but significantly outperforms other methods in the presence of impulse noise

    Overview of contextual tracking approaches in information fusion

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    Proceedings of: Geospatial InfoFusion III. 2-3 May 2013 Baltimore, Maryland, United States.Many information fusion solutions work well in the intended scenarios; but the applications, supporting data, and capabilities change over varying contexts. One example is weather data for electro-optical target trackers of which standards have evolved over decades. The operating conditions of: technology changes, sensor/target variations, and the contextual environment can inhibit performance if not included in the initial systems design. In this paper, we seek to define and categorize different types of contextual information. We describe five contextual information categories that support target tracking: (1) domain knowledge from a user to aid the information fusion process through selection, cueing, and analysis, (2) environment-to-hardware processing for sensor management, (3) known distribution of entities for situation/threat assessment, (4) historical traffic behavior for situation awareness patterns of life (POL), and (5) road information for target tracking and identification. Appropriate characterization and representation of contextual information is needed for future high-level information fusion systems design to take advantage of the large data content available for a priori knowledge target tracking algorithm construction, implementation, and application.Publicad

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